Mark Twain said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The ONE Thing (2013) by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan Focussed Questions And Actionable Tasks The Pareto Principle, thus, proves that in a to-do list, it is the 20% of the tasks that will make a major contribution to one’s success, and hence, prioritizing between the tasks is extremely important to success. Juran realised that the 80/20 principle could be a universal law, for example, 80% of one’s output or results are delivered by only 20% of one’s input or work. The model showed that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the people, proportions that Juran matched with his own model. He named this discovery the ‘Pareto Principle’ after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto’s 19 th century model for wealth and distribution.

Hence rectifying these flaws was a priority. Juran, a pioneer in quality-control management, found that the majority of the defects in their cars were caused due to only a few production flaws. While he was working at General Motors, Joseph M. However, it is important to remember that not all tasks are equal, and prioritizing between which tasks will have a profound impact is vital to success. While some struggle with deciding whether to start with the most time-consuming or smallest task first, others simply start with what is at the top of the checklist. However, most people fail to prioritize these tasks. Making ‘to-do lists’ of tasks is a great method of organizing one’s day. Hence it is but natural that in order to achieve success, one’s actions have to be based on ‘ thinking big’. Success is an outcome of action, and action is propelled by thought. History is proof that humans are poor at estimating limits hence, one should never let their aspirations get constrained by limited perceptions. If we look at the field of science, the progress that humanity has achieved today would have not been possible if even one scientist had not gone beyond unimaginable possibilities.

These negative emotions can dominate one’s thinking, leading to mediocrity as one ends up limiting their own potential for achievement. Negative emotions such as feeling overwhelmed or intimidated prevent one from thinking big. It is hard to think ahead, or envision success without this first step. Her ability to think big and have a grand vision at the onset itself was one of the reasons she achieved tremendous success.
Rowling conceived the story of Harry Potter she had envisioned a seven-part series of books of his life at Hogwarts even before she wrote the first chapter of the first book. The ONE Thing (2013) by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, is a guide to maintaining focus on that one ‘most important goal in life and provides tools that help in using one’s time productively to get there. Not being afraid of the grander visions in life, thinking big and discovering one’s most important goal is the first step towards achieving success. Often, the maxims that one accepts as good practices in life are mere myths that can end up hindering one’s progress. Living a life with purpose, priority and productivity, without other aspects of one’s life going out of balance, and performing with focus leads to success.
How To Achieve That Most Important Goal In Life